
Showing posts from November, 2015
I am old enough to remember cobbled streets in Birmingham, my old home town in the UK, so when, I went to a local store and had to drive down a road with old cobbled stones, laid in the familiar pattern, and with that so familiar, tyre sound, I was flashing back to my youth. But, I was so disappointed to see sections repaired in black bitumen, why, the almost perfect line and patten had been ruined,for want of a little care. So often you see this, paving flags liftedo repair a pipe only to be replaced by black Tarmac. A little care on the specification,  was all it needed to get the contractor to repair as original, the usual excuse is a lack of skilled workmen, and the specifier backs down and accepts, but had he pushed for what was specified, then perhaps a trade might have been kept alive, instead of being abandoned to blacktop. The original article and subsequent updates can be found on the site

Google Scholar

Want to expand your reading subject list, try searching a subject in Google Scholar, and look for papers written on the subject you want, and then look at the bottom of the paper for the References and Bibliography, these are the writters reference cited papers and offer a wider view of the subject, either click on the link if its so, or redo the search with this new author. The original article and subsequent updates can be found on the site Related articles Free academic papers to all Architectural Technologist - ICAT conference Architectural Technologist - Trees and the built environment Architectural Technologist - Ambient Backscatter Architectural Technologist - Constructing Architect